
Snowflake pro similar
Snowflake pro similar

snowflake pro similar

For example, you planned to end the story with an epic battle on top of the highest skyscraper in the city. One chapter, second chapter and… Soon you don’t know where the story should go next or why you created your hero with this particular characteristic. It’s literally the same: have an idea, open editor, start writing.

snowflake pro similar

You know who else does it? Amateur fiction writers. As a result, the project lands in the unfinished directory, never to see the daylight… But the thrill is gone, I don’t feel it anymore. So I stare blankly at the editor window, maybe write some boring features, like authentication or logging. Next day I can no longer find motivation or direction in which I could go. After a few hours of a coding marathon, I already have the X covered and then… I go to sleep. Oh, I have this BRILLIANT idea for an app with this KILLER FEATURE X. I’m afraid the process frequently looks like that: What if we are doing our personal project in spare time? We could try to employ those methods too, but they would usually be an overkill and even complicate things more. However, as it usually is, they are designed with commercial products created by full and paid teams in mind. In software development, we have a lot of planning and design methods that should help us in creating a vision of a final product.

Snowflake pro similar